White paper:

Scientific paper:

  • Philipp Stephanow, Mohammad Moein, Christian Banse; Continuous location validation of cloud service components; Paper and presentation; Travel was paid by the Bavarian Ministry of Economics in the project "Bayern-Cloud"; 2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science; Honk Kong; 11.-14.12.2017; Conference proceedings; IEEE; 2017; https://doi.org/10.1109/CloudCom.2017.29
    Paper: Continuous Location Validation of Cloud Service Components (PDF)
  • Immanuel Kunz and Philipp Stephanow; A process model to support continuous certification of cloud services; Paper and presentation; 31st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications; Taipei, Taiwan; 27.-29.3.2017; Conference proceedings; IEEE; 2017; https://doi.org/10.1109/AINA.2017.106
    Paper: A Process Model to Support Continuous Certification of Cloud Services (PDF)
  • Philipp Stephanow and Koosha Khajehmoogahi; Towards continuous security certification of Software-as-a-Service applications using web application testing techniques; Paper and presentation; 31st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications; Taipei, Taiwan; 27.-29.3.2017; Conference proceedings; IEEE; 2017; https://doi.org/10.1109/AINA.2017.107
    Paper: Towards Continuous Security Certification of SaaS Applications Using Web Application Testing Techniques (PDF)
  • Philipp Stephanow and Christian Banse; Evaluating the performance of continuous test-based cloud service certification; Paper and presentation; 2017 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing; Madrid. Spain; 14.-17.5.2017; Conference proceedings; IEEE; 2017; https://doi.org/10.1109/CCGRID.2017.134
    Paper: Evaluating the Performance of Continuous Test-based Cloud Service Certification (PDF)
  • Christian Banse and Dorian Knoblauch, Wetice 2019, 28th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies, Reducing implementation efforts in continuous auditing certification via an Audit API, https://doi.org/10.1109/WETICE.2019.00025
    Paper: Reducing implementation efforts in continuous auditing certification via an Audit API (PDF)
  • Anton Ujčič, Darja Lihteneger; The European Security Cerification Framework EU-ESC; Paper and presentation; IJU 2017 Informatics in Public administration; Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia; 4.-5.12.2017; Conference proceedings; Slovenian Society informatika; 2017; https://event.meetpoint.si/konferenca.iju-2017
  • Anton Ujčič, Bojan Pohar; Development of the new EU-SEC certification framework for cloud computer services; Paper and presentation; DSI 2018 Days of Slovenian Informatics; Portorož, Slovenija; 17.-18.4.2018; Conference proceedings; Slovenian Society informatika; 2018; https://dsi2018.dsi-konferenca.si/
  • Martin Labaj, Karol Rástočný, Daniela Chudá; Semiautomatizované porovnávanie certifikačných schém cloudových služieb; Paper and presentation; DaZ & WIKT 2018; Czech Republic, Brno, Hotel Santon; 11.10.18; Conference proceedings; Vysoké učení technické v Brně; 2018; http://daz2018.fit.vutbr.cz/DaZ_WIKT_2018_Sbornik.pdf
  • Anton Ujčič, Bojan Pohar; EU-SEC pilot use case, from ISO 27001 to ISO 27017; paper and presentation; IJU 2018 Informatics in Public Administration; Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia; 10.-11.2018; Conference proceedings; Slovenian Society informatika; 2018; https://iju-2018.meetpoint.si/
  • Martin Labaj, Karol Rástočný, Daniela Chudá; Towards Automatic Comparison of Cloud Service Security Certifications; Paper and presentation; SOFSEM 2019: 45th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science; Slovak Republic, Nový Smokovec, Atrium Hotel; 01/27-30/2019; Conference proceedings; Springer; 2019; https://beda.dcs.fmph.uniba.sk/sofsem2019/, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-10801-4_24
  • Dorian Knoblauch, Jürgen Großmann, Linda Strick, Alain Pannetrat, Europäisches Rahmenwerk für Continuous Auditing based Certification, Tagungsband zum 16. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitskongress,  SecuMedia Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-922746-82-9, https://www.bsi.bund.de/DE/Service/Aktuell/Veranstaltungen/IT-Sicherheitskongress/IT-Sicherheitskongress_node.html

Technical articles:

  • Jürgen Großmann, Dorian Knoblauch,  Neue Wege in der IT-Sicherheitszertifizierung von Cloud Infrastrukturen Journal Article Objektspektrum: Online-Themenspecial zum Thema "Cloud Computing - Dynamische IT- Leistung aus der Wolke",  Deutschland June 2019
    Neue Wege in der IT-Sicherheitszertifizierung von Cloud-Infrastrukturen
  • Dorian Knoblauch,  Jim de Haas Cloud Provider Continuous Assurance: EU SEC Framework for Continuous Assurance in the Cloud, Journal Article ISSA Journal Oct 2019 Volume 17 Issue 10 ISSA 2019
