EU-SEC Consortium General Assembly Meeting
The EU-SEC General Assembly and Advisory Board meeting was this time hosted by partner Caixa Bank.
The first day was dedicated to meeting with the project’s advisory board. The members of the advisory board were presented with the interim results of the Multi-party recognition framework and continuous auditing certification framework, as well as an overview of the banking pilot.
Then followed two very busy days in which work package leaders had the opportunity to present the latest advancements and next steps for their area of work. The partners agreed on sub-tasks for the road map to make sure the work stays on track. The consortium members were encouraged to keep in touch with stakeholders and make sure they are kept up to date with the project’s activities.
Initial preparations were also made for the upcoming review with the European Commission which will take place in September 2018.
Fueled by constructive discussions and great dinners organised by Caixa Bank, the consortium members left Barcelona armed with action lists to keep them busy until the next meeting.